It's been far too long since i have last updated my blog. But i feel it's time to bring it back just in the knick of time for summer. I have a lot planned and a lot of places to go, such as Finland & possibly France, which could be interesting.

My film camera (Olympus OM-2) has currently failed me. It is lying on the floor of my room gathering dust, as the shutter has jammed, it breaks my heart to see it in such a state. But i have promised myself to get it sorted out soon as it has been the most greatest camera i have ever used.

Alot has changed since i last posted here. I now have 2 jobs, I work in a camera shop and i also work in a music venue by night, which is pretty sweet really, i cant really complain.

Another reason to why my lack of inspiration and motivation came to a halt is because my mac's hard drive decided to fail. Therefor me loosing around 15 thousand photographs and a array of other things. I managed to recover most of the photographs and store them away, but i plan on getting most of them printed and put in a few photograph books for safe keeping and something to look after a few years.

I plan on either getting a Macbook pro or an iMac if i can be fucked to buy a desk and start organising myself, probably will have to make a trip to ikea and splash out on some nice things, including stealing a shit load of there pencils.

Please do visit again, over & out.